About Dr. Stefan Pop

Dermatologist MD, specialized in aesthetic medicine

  • Trained from 2013 to 2017 in France (Paris, Lille, Bordeaux, Cannes, Boulogne sur Mer) and Romania (Cluj-Napoca) in dermatology, venereology, skin surgery, aesthetic medicine and laser treatments

  • Available for appointments in Cluj-Napoca and Bistrita (Romania)

  • Spoken languages: romanian, english, french

Dermatological procedures

Tratament riduri cu toxina botulinica

BOTOX rejuvenation and wrinkle treatment

Injectare fillere cu acid hialuronic

Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers

Tratament laser vascular Nd:Yag

CO2 and Nd:Yag laser treatment (rejuvenation, vascular, pigmentation)

Terapie cu lumina intens pulsata (IPL)

IPL (intense pulsed light)

Epilare medicala permanenta

Laser hair removal (Alexandrite and Nd:Yag)

Tratament hiperhidroza

Hyperhidrosis  BOTOX treatment

Mezoterapie cu sau fara Dermapen

Needle mesotherapy (Dermapen)

Mezoterapie fara ace

Virtual mesotherapy (needle-free)

Peeling chimic

Chemical peels (medical grade)

Microdermabraziune medicala


Biopsie cutanata

Punch biopsy

Shave-excizie cu sau fara electrocauter

Shave-excisions using radio and electrocautery

 Excizie chirurgicala

Surgical excisions

Tratament unghie incarnata

Ingrown toenail treatment (no sutures, matricectomy by fenol and cautery)

Tratament cortizonic intralezional

Intralesional corticoid treatment for hypertrophic scars




Dermoscopy (naevi evaluation, cancer screening)

Examinare cu lampa Wood

Wood lamp examination

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